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6-7 Nov 2024 SP12 Start-Up City


Effective 31st October, 2022

Privacy Policy

By using this website, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions included in this Privacy Policy.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. This contains important information about your rights and obligations. This Privacy Policy sets out the manner in which SCORA LABS PVT LTD (hereinafter “SCORA” or “We” or “Us” or “Our”) collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from Users (a “User” also referred to as “You” and “Yours”) of the (“Website”).

Any User using the Website shall be governed by this Privacy Policy. By agreeing to use the Website, You agree to abide by this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Information

We collect personal and non-personal information from You to allow You the usage of Our Website. Each time You enter or access Our Website, the non-personal information, such as Your Internet Protocol address(s), the address of the last URL You visited prior to accessing Our Website, Your browser and platform type, Your browser language and so on may be collected by Us. We may collect Your personal information in various ways, including but not limited to, user information submitted at the time of entering, using, or accessing Our Website, or in connection with any registration for other activities or features offered through Our Website. SCORA will collect Your personally identifiable information only if You voluntarily submit such information to Us. You can always refuse to supply personally identifiable information, except that it may prevent You from using, accessing, or entering the Website or certain specific features of the Website. Personally identifiable information includes such things as Your name, address, company information, area of interest, e-mail address, and so on.

Use of Information

The Website is intended for use by any User(s), who is an individual or a business entity/organisation that legally operates in India or in other countries. Our Website is available only to those individuals or companies who can form legally binding contracts under the applicable law. Therefore, those under the age of 18 years are considered minors per Indian law and are not eligible to legally contract for any services through the Website.

We reserve the right to refuse access to the Website to anyone at any time.

We may collect and use Your information for the following purposes:

  1. We may use Your information to control Your access to Our Website and services, to communicate with You, customize Your experience by providing information that may be useful or interesting to You.
  2. We may use the email address to send administrative information, changes in account settings, changes to Our services or any updates pertaining to the services. Apart from this, if Users choose to opt-in to Our mailing list, they will receive periodic emails that may relate to Our activities, related service information, etc.
  3. Your information may also be used for responding to any of Your inquiries, questions, and/or any other requests or to contact You for queries regarding Your bookings/appointments.
  4. We may use the Users’ information to analyse the use of the Website, and the people visiting and using the Website for improving the features of the Website. Further, the information provided by You may also be used to help Us in responding to Your requests and support needs more efficiently.
  5. We may also share Your information with any third parties including any government departments if the disclosure of such information is required by law or is based on any order by a court of competent jurisdiction.
  6. We may use Users’ geographical and location information to analyse Our target audience for advertising purposes.
  7. Our Website may contain links to other websites, which do not fall under the scope of this Privacy Policy. We do not hold any responsibility for the privacy policy of such other websites.

We reserve the right to refuse access to the Website to anyone at any time.

Protection of your Information

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures to protect Your personal information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. However, We cannot guarantee the security of any information obtained through an unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors that may compromise the security of user information at any time.

Use of Cookies

We set and access cookies on Your computer’s hard drive to track the preferences and trends of Your searches in order to provide You with more personalized and improved services. You may reset the cookies to refuse such access by Us. However, in such a case, You may not be able to access some parts or features of Our Website.

We may provide a ‘keep me signed in’ service at Our Website. When You activate the service, a permanent cookie is installed onto Your system to allow Us to keep You signed in all the time on Our Website. If You do not wish to have a permanent cookie installed onto Your computer system, please do not activate the said service.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but You can usually modify Your browser setting to decline cookies if You prefer.

Security and Confidentiality

We understand and recognize that privacy on the Internet is very important. We take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information disclosed by You and will not disclose the information on any other website. We provide the creation of a password-protected account, which can be accessed only by You. We advise You to not share Your password with any other person and always log out before closing the browser window.

Third-Party Disclosure

We will not disclose any of Your information to any third parties unless We are bound by law to do so. We may however disclose it to Our trusted service providers or suppliers who help Us in providing Service(s) to You.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

SCORA may update and revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. The revised Privacy Policy will be posted as a notification here on You are encouraged to periodically check this page to stay informed about changes to this Privacy Policy. You hereby acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility to check this Privacy Policy periodically and become aware of the modifications. If You disagree with any of the changes to the Privacy Policy, You shall refrain from using or accessing the Website. Your continued use of the Website after posting of the revised Policy shall indicate Your acceptance and acknowledgment of the changes and You will be bound by it.

Acceptance of the Terms of this Privacy Policy

By using this Website, You are agreeing to the terms and conditions included in this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree to this Privacy Policy, You shall not access or use this Website.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or Your dealing with Our Website or any of the features, or any legal queries, please contact Us at